5 Incredible Benefits of Early Childhood Education

While there is no one-size-fits-all method when it comes to raising children, the importance of early childhood education cannot be overstated. Studies have proven that 90% of a child’s brain development occurs by age 5, meaning these years are critical for the development of their linguistic, cognitive, social, emotional, and regulatory skills. This makes it critically important for your children to be enriched in productive and instructional learning environments. Read on to discover some of the incredible benefits of Early Childhood Education.

1) Provides Structure & Routine

Children thrive off daily structures, as this can help them feel safe and secure leading to a positive influence on their emotional and cognitive development. Attending an early learning centre will enable your little one to not only develop a routine at the centre, but the process of leaving the house in the morning can also be a space for them to positively develop habits. When children know what to expect from the moment they wake up, to arriving at childcare, and what happens once home, their daily routine and the certainty it brings can help them become more calm and settled. It can even assist with avoiding temper tantrums and good sleeping habits. Over time, your child can begin to find independence in important behaviours, like brushing their teeth before leaving the house, getting dressed in the morning, and packing their backpacks for the day ahead. These skills are not only helpful in the short term as they attend childcare, but are excellent preparation for 13 years of formal schooling and even future work life. 

2) Improved Literacy and Numeracy Outcomes

The skills children learn prior to starting school can have a significant impact on their academic success later in life. Research has proven that there is a direct and significant link between children participating in play-based learning and how their language and emotional skills develop. In childcare settings, children can learn literacy skills through listening to books during storytime, through learning the context of pictures and images, and by drawing and crafting. These activities have proven benefits in supporting a child’s ability to read and write. Children develop numeracy skills by singing and playing with musical instruments, through counting items for craft, and through experimenting with volume and capacity in interactive games. In learning these skills in a controlled environment at a young age, children are able to further understand these concepts in a formal education setting, setting them ahead of their peers at primary school.

3) More School Ready

Some centres now have programs like Little Zak’s Prep School to help bridge the gap between early childhood education and kindergarten. The Prep School curriculum has been specially developed to provide children aged 4 to 6 with the skills and exposure they need to excel at primary school. It teaches children skills like phonics awareness, furthers their literacy and numeracy skills, introduces them to technology-based learning integrations, and even takes them on educational excursions. The tailored program, combined with the child’s familiarity with school routines and the ability to follow instructions paves the way for future success. Several studies have proven that the benefits of early learning can last a lifetime, with quality early education directly linked to a person’s likelihood of graduating from university and supporting their employment outcomes. 

4) Supports Their Social & Emotional Development

Friendships are critically important for a child’s development. In a childcare setting, children are surrounded by children their own age and given the opportunity to form healthy relationships with them. They learn how to get along with other children, how to share toys and take turns with equipment, how to listen to others, and how to communicate their ideas and needs. While young children are typically egocentric, in spending time with their peers, they will also continue to develop empathy and understand each other’s feelings. These social and emotional skills will enable your children to foster positive friendships and relationships throughout the duration of their lives.

5) Positive Exposure to Social & Cultural Diversity

By nature, children are often more tolerant than adults, having a keen insight and sense of wonder about the world. Childcare settings mirror the ‘real world’ of multicultural Australia, giving children the unique opportunity to explore, understand, and celebrate diverse cultures. As they grow, children will look to others with curiosity and compare differences to help build their own sense of identity. Beginning this natural process early in their young childhood years provides a keen opportunity to build trust, respect, and understanding of all people regardless of perceived differences.

Give Your Child the Best Start in Life

While there is no one way to raise a child, there are significant benefits to them learning in a childcare environment. Giving your child the best start in life is as simple as enrolling them at Little Zak’s. With centres across NSW, you will be able to find a centre near you and ensure your child’s future success. Find out more about how Little Zak’s can help your child meet their potential by calling us today on 1300 33 ZAKS.