7 Tips on Encouraging Good Behaviour in Children

A child’s first years are pivotal in teaching them all about social skills and good behaviour. Educators at a childcare centre play an important role as they guide the child to become a supportive, caring and independent individual. A positive and encouraging approach is the most effective way to guide a child no matter the age.

Here are 7 tips on how you can promote a child’s good behavior at home or at a daycare.

Little Zak's Academy | 7 Tips on Encouraging Good Behaviour in Children

1. Be a good role model

Children, especially when they are younger, learn by example. They quickly pick up social cues and habits by absorbing behaviour of the people they see around them. If you want children to use “please” and “thank you,” use it often when speaking with them. If you want children to clean up after playtime, show them how you clean up and encourage them to do so as well.

Little Zak's Academy | 7 Tips on Encouraging Good Behaviour in Children

2. Say what you mean

Studies show that positive phrases and instructions are often more effective than their negative counterpart. For instance, if you’re dealing with a particularly active child, say “please slow down and walk” instead of “stop running.” Focus on what they should do, rather than what they shouldn’t.

Little Zak's Academy | 7 Tips on Encouraging Good Behaviour in Children

3. Give specific praises

Make it a point to give specific praises for good behaviour and avoid general phrases like “good job!” or “well done!” If the child has done a task correctly, give the praise a personal touch such as “You’ve done a good job watering the plants every day! Look at how tall and strong your plant has gotten!”

Little Zak's Academy | 7 Tips on Encouraging Good Behaviour in Children

4. Make your child feel important

In order for children to learn about independence, educators and parents should provide them with age-appropriate tasks. For instance, children can help prepare the snacks while at their childcare centre in Sydney or can help set the table when they’re at home. Don’t forget to thank them for a job well done! Knowing they’re trusted and thanked for doing tasks can vastly improve their confidence and self-esteem as well.

Little Zak's Academy | 7 Tips on Encouraging Good Behaviour in Children

5. Catch good behaviour

At the end of the day, children love to be given attention! Positive reinforcement goes a long way, and children respond better to being praised for good behaviour rather than being punished for misbehaving. When a child has done something good, encourage them to be a good example to others!

Little Zak's Academy | 7 Tips on Encouraging Good Behaviour in Children

6. Demonstrate the proper way to apologise

Young children typically have a difficult time understanding others’ behaviours, making apologising a hard skill to teach. Teach them the basic form of apologising:

  • Look at the other child
  • Say their name
  • Say “I’m sorry”
  • Say “I’m sorry”

It may be insincere at first but in time, children will learn to say it without any influence and will become more genuine about their apologies.

Little Zak's Academy | 7 Tips on Encouraging Good Behaviour in Children

7. Teach children how to correct their misbehavior

It’s important for children to learn about the consequences to their actions. If a child makes spills their milk during a tantrum while at their daycare centre in Sydney, the educator can give them a rag and teach them how to clean the mess up. This teaches children about self-control in the future.

Teaching children about good behaviour may be difficult at first. Just remember to be consistent about your rules and instructions and, in time, they will learn to do it all by themselves!